Individuals around the World are taking up a unique discipline that is Kettlebell Juggling...
Some do it to keep their mind's young and their body supple as they age.
Others are thrilled to introduce it as a fun, flow-inducing activity.
Some desire the confidence to know that they can do something unique and challenging
Others, wish to put their skills to the test and compete in the newly evolving World Games
No matter what your intention for learning Kettlebell Juggling is...
Tired of Repetitive & Boring Fitness Routines?
Let's re-ignite that child-like joy for movement again by learning something new, fun, and engaging
Want to Start Flipping Fast but Scared of Injuring Yourself?
Based on years of experience, this course is beginner friendly & rest assured taught as such
Not Meeting your Edge in Learning Something New & Challenging?
Lets tap into your creativity & work on something you'll be proud of going into 2025
Want to Switch Off the Day and Tap into Pure Presence and Flow?
Enter Kettlebell Juggling. The Ultimate Flow State.
Easy-to-follow tutorials for individual skills and flips
Integrate individual skills into combinations and get your Flow on
Full-body joint mobility + activation designed for juggling
Optimize Presence & Focus by Grounding you in the here and now
Presented by Somble, access Video Tutorials from anywhere
Ask questions, share wins, get support from Sean & like-minded individuals
Your bonuses:
15 tutorials from my last two
"Art of Kettlebell" Courses
that cover all pre-requisites
Join me in a recorded Workshop
guiding participants through
Juggling Foundations
Sean believes that a thriving fitness practice can be achieved at the intersection of Functional Training, Mindful Movement, and Playful Intent.
After 15 + years of high level athletics and years of passionately pursuing mastery in various movement disciplines, Sean has dedicated the last 3 years of his life to mastering, teaching, and competing in the Sport of Kettlebell Juggling
Sean's Core Values of Play, Exploration, and Deep Learning guide his own practice and have been poured into the creation of this unique course
2023 KB World Juggling Games 2nd Place
2024 World KB Juggling Games Champion
75+ Kettlebell Skill Tutorials
20+ Guided Flows
Joint Mobility + Activation Routines
Somatic Presencing Meditation
In-App Program access
Private Community + Group Chat
"Build your own Flow" Lessons
KB Juggling Workshop Recording
3D Essential Skills Bundle
Get Lifetime Access + Bonuses for
When it comes to journeying through the material in this course, a light to moderate weighted bell is going to be optimal as this course is predominantly a skill-oriented course with a focus on technical mastery. As a general guide: Woman→ 4-8KG Kettlebell. Men→ 8-16KG Kettlebell
Yes, If you only have one bell that’s light to moderately weighted you will be perfect.
Learn over 70 Juggling Skills and Flows
Education on kettlebell juggling
Functional Movement capabilities learning to effortlessly and confidently move through ALL planes of movement.
Increase strength and joint resilience
Improved coordination and reaction
Increased ability to focus, control attention, and master the art of learning.
Increased mindfulness and mind-body connection.
Better balance and stability
Introduce fun and play into your fitness routine
Educational understanding of movement potential learning the terminology and framework for moving in all ways around the body.
All of the above… “Assuming” that you have some experience with movements such as the Swing, Swing Clean, and have gotten some experience moving more multiplanar with the kettlebell. I created my previous course "moving 3d" with the purpose of building a strong base of multiplanar movement that juggling can then be done upon. If you are unfamiliar with how to move in this way I will be providing a bonus section covering some essentials that will be needed for this course. Kettlebell Juggling can be approached as a stand alone discipline however experience with kettlebells is a big help. Later on when we learn movements like the Mill (a larger throw) attention will be brought to the importance of knowing the snatch along with lateral variations of going overhead.
There is of course inherently a risk when one decides to juggle. However, risk of injury can be diminished almost entirely if one learns in a slow and patient manner along with following a roadmap of skills that build slowly in difficulty. This Course will present safety tips, slow progressions of skills, in depth tutorials that are easily digestible, as well as added support like a mediation designed to help recapture your focus and presence.
For some this course might take 2 months. For others the content could be stretched out over a year. There is a lot of content in this course and what I've learnt about juggling and coaching juggling is that everyone learns at their own pace. Juggling is highly technical and progress depends on your experience and eagerness to put in the practice required. Juggling should always be approached slowly and with due respect to the danger of going too quick too soon.
You can view all the material from a laptop, phone, or casted onto a TV. The Somble platform I use also includes an app that you can download that offers a seamless user experience, a private group chat and many other functions. Feel free to take your phone to your local gym, set up, and start learning!
I recommend Competition bells which are larger bells (all the same size but with varying weights…). These bells are far better suited than the more common Cast Iron bells. My Favorite bells come from Eleiko (they have an 8 and 12 KG), I also enjoy using Titan Fitness Kettlebells (they have a 8, 10, and 12 KG bell option). Ziva also has great bells and you'll be able to find more on amazon or at local fitness stores. If you need help locating an ideal bell reach out to me and I will look into what's available in your country.
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